Born and bred in Stark County, Ohio, Ruthann has called the Greater Canton area her home for over five decades.
Born and bred in Stark County, Ohio, Ruthann has loved growing up and living here in the Greater
Canton area. As a second-generation Realtor, Ruthann grew up cutting her teeth on real estate as she
tagged along with her Mom in the early 1980's. She recalls “talking shop” with her Mom after listing
and showing appointments. The real estate business and houses fascinated Ruthann from a young age,
and she loved being her Mom's protégé during her teen years.
When she entered her early 20's, Ruthann eagerly earned her real estate license and quickly got to work
as a team with her Mom. They worked together as a team for a few years, until Ruthann paused her
license for 27 years to raise four beautiful children.
Even though her license was inactive for many years, she kept her Continuing Education current, and still
“talked shop” with her Mom during those years.
Fast forward to 2021, when all but one of Ruthann's children had flown the nest. The hectic pace of
raising four children and being a homeschool mother came to a close, and Ruthann was ready to write a
new chapter to her life. She re-activated her real estate license, thinking she would simply use it to sell
her own home, and purchase a new one. She did that…and then some. Several family members
happened to be needing homes, and Ruthann was happy to assist. Her real estate business blossomed
from there!
Today she is the teammate to Beth Dibell, whom she has known for more than four decades. Together
they create a dynamic team that embraces a high work ethic combined with honesty, trust, and a love
for the people they work with.
When you work with Ruthann, you will find that she brings her love for Ohio and her passion to serve
others directly to you, her new client! Reach out to Ruthann to hear how she can serve you with your
real estate needs today!